Why Lumen Christi?
Why the Saints at Bethany?
The Latin phrase Lumen Christi means Light of Christ, and references our Lord as the Light of the World and as the source of all Knowledge and Truth. The phrase should remind us of our baptism into this life of Christ's Light.
The glorious 'Exsultet' at the Easter Vigil notes that the light of the Paschal candle (part of our offering to God on that night of all nights) represents the Light of Christ spreading and dividing without being diminished. As the flames of the Holy Spirit alighted on the heads of the Apostles at Pentecost, empowering them to preach the Gospel, we see how we must each become that candle-offering, with light that does not diminish as it spreads to others. This Light is fueled by the virtue and graces God gives.
We hope the education we offer our children together will be a vehicle for this virtue and grace.
Bethany is the place our Lord frequented to visit with a family he loved. The stories that surround his interactions with Mary, Martha and Lazarus capture so much about learning to remain at Christ's feet, learning to serve him joyfully, and learning to live into the resurrected life that Christ offers to all of us.
It also conveys the primacy of family, and relates tender moments when Christ retreated from the crowds to be with this household. Somehow this 'family life model' celebrates what we consider to be at the heart of homeschooling:
that formation of the soul is the first objective, and that academics should ultimately serve this first goal.