Lumen Christi Consortium
Policies and Procedures,
Our goal is to operate with charity at all times. It goes without saying that no illegal or immoral behavior will be tolerated on campus. Obviously, by “charity” we mean being kind, friendly, and helpful to fellow students and teachers–treating others how we would like to be treated; loving others because they are made in the image of God. In our context, charity also includes being on time for classes, not being disruptive in classes, and generally being respectful of teachers.
Further, we should be extra considerate and appreciative of our hosts. Please be friendly and polite to any people you encounter who are members of the host churches, as well as other visitors.
We also ask that you be respectful of the various properties we will use. LCC could not happen without the donated spaces. We want to respect, help maintain, and even improve the properties of the Sutton First Congregational Church, Shaw Farm, and Divine Mercy Parish in Blackstone.
Unless you have been given a personal and explicit exception, eating is not allowed except in the designated lunch spaces. This means no gum, candy, or other food in the upstairs classrooms or hallways.
Form 1 and 2 will have a designated and supervised snack time. They may not have gum or candy in the classrooms at any time.
We also ask that students bring only water bottles to class. Please no drinks that would be a problem if spilled!
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
We hope that our time together will help us grow in virtue!
II. Dress Code.
Students will dress modestly in a “casual dress” style. The dress code exists in order to help create an environment that facilitates learning without unnecessary distractions, as well as to assist in our students’ growth in and practice of virtue.
As members of Lumen Christi Consortium, we seek to become like the Saints at Bethany–always close to the Lord. We will do our best always to honor him, and each other. We are blessed with the hospitality of two churches. While no one is required to go in the church during the day, we ought all to dress and to comport ourselves so that we might.
In general this means: No “sports” clothes, t-shirts, or joggers; no torn or ripped clothes; and no clothing with prominent logos. Jeans are permissible, but may not have holes. Clothing must generally be modest and, for both ladies and gentlemen, may not be skin-tight.
For ladies: Knee-length (or longer) skirts or dresses and modest tops or blouses are encouraged. Pants or jeans are also permissible, especially in winter, but may not be skin-tight/ legging-style (unless under a dress or skirt, i.e., unless they are worn as tights). Please avoid low-cut necklines, midriffs, tops with shoulder cut-outs, or spaghetti straps. Please also note that “leggings” do not count as “pants.”
For gentlemen: Khaki-style pants and collared shirt (polo or button-down). Ties are encouraged. Jeans are acceptable, and shorts (to at least the length of the fingertips) are permissible in the very hot weather. Please avoid athletic shorts.
Forms 3-6 will be out of doors in the afternoons as often as possible. While we appreciate the carefully chosen attire which contributes to taking our academic endeavors seriously, please be sure to choose clothing that you can comfortably go outside in. Particularly consider wearing appropriate shoes.
Elementary students should also follow this dress code. Further, they should be prepared to go outside no matter the weather. They should have a rain jacket and rain boots for rainy days, and a warm winter coat, boots, hat, and gloves for the cold weather. While we would ask that they “dress for school,” please do not have your children wear special or fancy clothing that cannot be worn on a hike. They should plan to go outside every day!
III. Technology Policy.
Phones are not allowed to be used on site during school hours. If a student has a phone, it must be left in the car. Students are not allowed to go to the parking lot to check their phones. Phones are not allowed for picture-taking unless expressly permitted in limited circumstances by the Yearbook Committee Director. This includes during lunch and afternoon time.
Headphones, airpods, or other in or on ear listening devices are not permitted for students. (Teachers might make use of them during their prep periods.) All such devices must be left in the car. This includes during lunch and afternoon time.
NOTE: The technology policy [prohibiting devices of all sorts for students] exists for several reasons. First, our aim is to make the atmosphere more conducive to learning. Phones, etc. are easily distracting, simply by being nearby–even if they are off. Further, we aim to make the atmosphere socially inclusive, friendly, generous, and warm. Phones and earphones are by their nature isolating, and thus opposed to the social atmosphere we aim to create and enjoy.
It seems unlikely that students would need to text a parent about anything, as most parents will be on campus most of the time. If however a situation arises, a volunteer parent could supervise or text as necessary. It is our goal for “exceptions” to be uncommon. If an exception is necessary (for example, for serious medical reasons), the parent must personally contact Mrs. Wassell or Mrs. Conner.
It is understandable that parents might sometimes need to use their phones. However, it should be as discrete and as unusual as possible–only “immediately necessary” texts and calls. It should go without saying that teachers should not use their phones for non-academic reasons during class. Teachers’ phones used for the purposes of the clock or a timer during class is permitted (and encouraged when necessary for staying on schedule).
Teachers who are making use of a prep period during the day may of course use a laptop or device.
Technology can be a useful resource for classes. However, our aim is that technology be used minimally, and interactive or social technology particularly be avoided whenever possible. Limited use of technology at the teacher’s discretion in order to facilitate learning in the classroom is acceptable. If the significant use of technology is required at home, teachers should alert parents so that it can be appropriately monitored.
Teachers should be able to get in touch with their students if necessary. In order to discourage constant email-checking, we ask that teachers send any necessary information well in advance of class: for Tuesday classes by Monday morning, 9:00 am, and for Friday classes by Wednesday at noon.
All email communication between individual students and teachers will CC a parent.
IV. Inclement Weather Policy.
In the case of inclement weather, cancellations will be posted on “The Latest News” on the website by 9:00 pm the evening prior. Subscribed families will automatically get the email. Please SIGN IN so that we can identify who has commented “GOT IT.”
In cases that are tricky to call, we will still send an email at that point, and ask you to check in the morning, when we will make a call by 7:00 am. Please make a habit of checking your email the evening before classes in case there are any important announcements.
We hope to avoid canceling classes as we do not have built-in snow days. If we have to cancel classes, we will “zoom.” We know no one “likes” zooming; however, ALL STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO BE PRESENT AND PARTICIPATE ON ZOOM DAYS. YOUR PRESENCE WILL BE WEIGHED AS PART OF YOUR CLASS PARTICIPATION.
NOTE: Many teachers have found that Google Meet is easier to use than Zoom. Further, the meeting can last an hour rather than only 45 minutes. We are using “zoom” in a general way. Please feel free to use Google Meet! Some students have also expressed a preference for Google Meet.
(Pre-Algebra zoom is optional and up to the teacher. Forms 1 and 2 classes will not zoom.)
When zooming, classes will BEGIN at the regularly appointed time (though they might end early). Since Mr. Bleecker’s class is longer, and he may have a zoom account, Mr. Bleecker may choose to do things differently and hold a regularly scheduled length class.
If as a teacher you expect that your class will go over the 45 minutes (zoom) or an hour (google meet), you should send two links at the beginning in order to minimize interruptions.
When on zoom, cameras must always be ON. Backgrounds may not be changed.
It is strongly suggested that teachers and families familiarize themselves with how to use Google Meet and/ or Zoom before winter.
V. Academic Assessment and Evaluation.
Teachers will provide a syllabus for their classes on the first day of class. They should give a paper copy to each student, as well as email a copy to parents and students. Syllabi will also be posted on the website (eventually).
The syllabus should list the books to be used for the year, what work will be required of students, how work will be evaluated, and any other policies.
Students in forms 3 through 6 will receive evaluations for each of their academic classes, noting progress on class participation, completed homework, writing, exams, and the notebook for the course (if applicable). The goal is feedback and accountability.
VI. Financial Obligations and Payment.
By signing up for LCC courses, you are committing to paying for the whole year. You will be required to sign a contract stating as much.
Please pay Mr. Bleecker directly via Venmo or Zelle, (may include fees… please check! REMEMBER TO USE “FRIENDS AND FAMILY”), or by paper check. To be recorded, receipts of all payments must be sent to the bookkeeper, Ashley Farnham. Cash payments, if necessary, will require a written receipt, which you must take a picture of and send to the Bookkeeper.
Please refer to your Family Fee Schedule for HOW MUCH is due, and WHEN. Please do your very best to make payments on time. If you anticipate a problem, please reach out right away.
Our Policies and Procedures
The following document articulates our policies for the year around things like dress code, technology, inclement weather, syllabi requirements, assessment and evaluation, and tuition/fee schedule.